Acupuncture Research Studies into Muscoskeletal Conditions & Chronic Pain
Acupuncture is the most effective form of CAM (Complementary & Alternative Medicine) for Muscoskeletal Conditions - and one of only a few that is supported by current medical evidence, according to a report commissioned by the charity Arthritis Research UK. The report, which examined trial data on 25 therapies, was aimed at helping people with muscoskeletal […]
Acupuncture has positive impact on the birth rate of sub fertile women undergoing IVF/ICSI, studies show. Key Points • A recent high-level review found acupuncture to significantly improve birth rate.• A summary of 11 reviews up to 2017 found acupuncture to significantly improve clinical pregnancy rate but scientific methods need to be improved.• Experimental research […]
Cupping is an extraordinary technique that has been used for thousands of years in Chinese Medicine and throughout the world. It is still used widely among professionals and laypeople across many cultures today. The healing process can be shortened by months using this method that manually removes the blockage in ways that massage, acupuncture and […]
The earliest written text in China was written around 600BC. It lays the foundation for Chinese Medicine in a discussion between a wise sage - the Yellow Emperor and his student - Qibo Qibo asks why “most people in ancient times lived over 100 years and remained active and healthy. But nowadays people become decrepit […]